Monday, November 23, 2015

SEM 2 ASiD (Asasi in Dengkil)

Hello Assalamualaikum... Yezza, Alhamduillah result final exam sem1 dah keluar last week and i pass it :)

2nd semester of foundation in science is getting near and i already verify the course for sem2 few days ago.

Yupp, my batch and i are going to be the last batch of foundatio in UiTM Puncak Alam (asasi only) and going to be the first batch in UiTM Dengkil the new not so great building.

Hehehe, bukan tak bersyukur but i dont find it logic to design our college like this.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Cuti Semester Satu (UiTM PALAM)

Helllu... huwargghh.. rasanya seperti baru semalam aja gua namatnya SPM... realitinya gue sudah pun habis semester satu di asasi sains beberapa minggu yang lepas...

ehmm ehemmm... ajet ajet belajo kat endon je.. ahaks! well, kat UITM PALAM tu pun dah rasa mcm kat indonesia, mana tak nya, peniaga situ mostly indonesians.. hahaha. pembantu kot..

Friday, April 24, 2015

Institut Perguruan Guru ^.^

Hai Assalamualaikum... Alhamdulillah aku terpilih untuk sambung belajar di UTP kos yang aku pilih iaitu Business Info. Syst. But nope. I reject.. I rasa nak jadik doktor gigi pulak yuollzzzz hahaha

Entahlah.. Dunia terlalu banyak pilihannya kompius i tauuu.. Maybe just sambung mariks/asasi dulu.. Start a new life.. Then reconsider my future.. huhu

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Educamp UTP 2015

Hello & Assalamualaikum semua... It has been a long time since my last post pasal interview MJHEP tu kan...

Sadly, I didn't get the Japan Class thing... But I tak kisah sangat cause I didn't hope for it too much anyway. But the interview session gave me an interesting experience.. It was a couple interview. Means 2 participants and 2 interviewers in 1 room. Faham? So, you olzz kena compete with each other lah.