Monday, December 16, 2013

Bedak Sejuk Orang Kampung.

Hello ape kabauuu!!!??
Okay, so straight to the point, cuz I need to study after this. *Rabu got test biology meh*

Sooooo... There is someone asked me about bedak sejuk..
see.. some asked okaaay.. jgn takk cayeee :P :P
 And that someone is my bff gegurlss~ Ummeyymeyymeyyyyy.. ^^ Ssup Ummey? hehehe.. If you follow my instgram, I updated a picture of me wearing bedak sejuk capuk capuk few days ago.
Instagram ^^ ngehehe.. [ig: wana_rayy]
 So let me tell you about bedak sejuk. Its bedak. Yep.. You can either beli dekat kedai or make it on your own.. hehe.. kalau nak beli dekat kedai. Tak banyak kedai yang jual bedak sejuk sekarang ni cuz people nowadays guna mask je.

I used garnier masked, shiseido masked for blemish clearance but they seems like not worked. I also used Black Pearl from My Beauty Diary for lightening my skin and it seems to work but it whitens my skin only for hours then kulit aku jadi kuning langsat semula.. :<

Siapa tinggal area Jasin, mari lah ke Kedai Orang Kampung di belakang TenTen Jasin itu.. Korang boleh dapatkan bedak sejuk kering yang perlu dicampur air atau pun bedak sejuk yang berbentuk liquid dekat kedai tu. But aku guna bedak sejuk kering sebab bagi aku yang berliquid tu mesti ade campuran kimia supaya ia tahan lebih lama. *It just my tanggapan* hehehe..

Siapa tinggal are Bemban dan ke atas? Bolehlah dapatkan di mana-mana Mydin berdekatan dan carik kedai Jamu. Kompem ade bedak sejuk kot.

I guna jenama MAKMUR.. Soo, my skins sangatlah aman dan makmur bila memakainya. This is how the bottle looks like:

Only RM3.50 okey? Sooo murahh.. Tahu tak macam mana nak guna?
Ibu said, orang dulu-dulu selalu suruh anak dara pakai bedak sejuk supaya kulit cantik. Ibu dulu selalu pakai katanya sampaikan ada nyonya cakap cina dengan dia. Hahaha. *Putih sangat tu* Itu yang menyebabkan aku pun nak cuba bedak sejuk ni.

1- Ambil 3/4 butir tu. Campurkan dengan air suhu bilik. Jgn air sejuk, takut dia berketul. Aku ambil air tapis room temperature sebab takut air paip tak cukup bersih and contain germs.
*Jangan bancuh pekat2 kalau nak dibawa tidur sebab ia akan tegang dan boleh buat muka kita cepat berkedut kata nenek aku.
Hengko nak cuba yang hot water pun boleh. MUAHAHAHAHA
Soo.. I have used this bedak sejuk for bout 3/4 days. And I think my parut jerawat dah pudar sikit. Rasanya lah.. Hahaha.. Bestnya pakai bedak sejuk ni, kita boleh pakai beberapa kali seminggu, malah boleh juga dipakai sepuloh kali SEHARI! hahaha... Tak perlu bilas okey?

Kalau nak pakai berjalan pun boleh. Just pakai nipis2, then bila dah kering, kita sapukanlah base powder yang kita selalu guna. ^^

And this is my looks after wearing bedak sejuk for few days.. ngehehhehe..
No filters! Still ada ruam kecil-2 tapi rasanya macam dah berkurangan.
So.. ada yang tak nak beli? Boleh buat sendiri. Google je resipi bedak sejuk. Confirm banyak keluar... Goodluck ;)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Belgium guy in my house?!!

Hello, Assalamualaikum.... =]
Siapa di sana? Wana di sini.. whoop whoop!! hehehe.. So whatssup reaaadaaarrrrsss???
Okay, you know right, I have a guest in this majestichouse of mine *basicaly its my parent's house* since yesterday(Sabtu). Well, if you don't know, you must have not seen my updates on twitter or instagram. Hahaha.. [both my instagram's & twitter's username is wana_rayy] 

So,  isn't my post tittle obvious enough to tell? Yeaaa, The guest I've been saying a lot is a mat salleh.. His my brother's friend. Mahh big broohh's friend. His name is Samuel. I don't know his middle and surname. Cuz I didn't talk much with him. Kahkahkah..

Okay, so about having a mat salleh in my housee.. Its so funny!! Hahaha, the first moment, he came, and angah said, "This is my youngest sister Wana". Sam said with a smile on his face "Okay, hye." Me while carrying a can of sugar said, "Heyy" lepas tu gelak macam orang gilah...Mesti dia pelik gilaa. Well, gua x pernah cakap dgn Mat Belgium okay? Minah Pakistan pernahlah. Masa tu dekat Madinah.

Okay, selama mat salleh ni ada dekat rumah, semua orang speak in english uolls. Even my nenek pun sama! Terkejut I nenek pandai cakap BI. hahahaha..

Sam ni berumur 21 tahun and will be 22 tahun tepat 12 malam karang. Its his birthday tomorrow. And now he  already back in KL with my broohh.. Sabtu hari tu, Angah bawak dia panjat Gunung Dato', Negeri Sembilan and when ibu asked how was it he answered, "yeah, its kinda hard and hot too". Then petang angah bawak dia pergi rumah nenek petik manggis. Hahaha. Siap pakai ubat nyamuk lagi.

And kisah di malam hari nya, iaitu malam semalam, ibu & ayah brought us all ke Medan Ikan Bakar Umbai.
*This is my OOY(outfit of yesterday)* Hahahaha..

So alkisahnya, malam semalam, ramai gila orang dekat Umbai tu, seriously jam! The moment nak cari parking lot dekat area Kedai Parameswara which is the best yet popular kedai ever, memang susah nak cari parking, sehinggakan masuk dekat kawasan berlumpur!

And history happened. Boleh pulak kereta yang dipandu angah bersama Sam, iaitu kereta Saga FLX SV yang baru beli 11/12/13 hari tu, tersangkut.. Haishh.. Lepas tu, jam pun berlaku. And orang ramai tolonglah supaya jam boleh diperbaiki. And this happened to my sister's car-to-be::
As you can see, picture was taken when dah sampai rumah.
So, i forgot pulak nak snapped waktu orang ramai membantu since I kena jaga kereta Exora. So lepastu, sambunglah niat sebenar datang Umbai, which was, makan ikan bakar lah! Hahaha. This is MUST-HAVE-DISH kalau pergi ikan bakar:
Ketam Blackpaper.. omnomnom ><
Okay. so kami makan sampai kenyang. oops, sebelum tu, tahukah anda, Sam ini tak pernah makan guna jari, and when ibu asked, "Do you want to use spoon?" he answered, "oh no, no, its okay, i want to try use hand". And the first suapan dia, kahkahkah,.. Kelakauu gilee weyyy!!! Hakhakhak.. Dia boleh genggam nasik tu pastu die dongak and jatuhkan nasi dalam mulut dia? Nak tersembur aku tengok dia makan. Hahaha.

Lepastu angah pun ajarlah. Dia tak makan nasi lemak banyak, bukan tak sedap, tapi sebab dia dah makan 6 pinggan bihun sup dekat rumah nenek and dekat rumah aku tadi. Tahu tak kenapa dia makan banyak? Sebab he said to angah, "I will eat this for your mum. She have cooked it for me." awww.. touching2 betul sam ni. Kahkahkah.

Lepas tu, dia pun makanlah ikan yang dibeli iaitu ikan siakap and ikan Stingray, which is, ikan pari. And he said, dia lagi suka Ikan Pari. Then dia rasa ketam. Dia tak tahu makan ketam lah. Hahaha. Lepas tu makan Sotong tepung. He said, dekat Belgium, sotong goreng tepung dia orang, tepung je banyak gila. Sotong dia kecik je. Kesiannya. Lepas tu dia makan lah butter prawn and semua hidangan lain yang dah order.

Lepas tu, aku pun tanya, Dekat Belgium tu makanan seafood macam ini ada jual ke, and he answered. His answers made me proud of being Malaysian.

He asnwered,
"Yes, they have this kind of menus, but these are much better, the fried squid, i can taste the squid while in Belgium the squid is too tiny and only taste flour. And the seafood grilled shop there are not like in Malaysia. Malaysia's seafood shops like in Melaka is way cheerfull, harmony and wayyy cheaper. In Belgium, the seafood will cost you a lot!"

And, in the end, angah bagi dia rasa otak-2. Which I translated to him, "brain- brain" as in the brain in your head. But its not actually brain, its fish! hahaha. He kinda shocked when ibu said it was brain-brain too. Hahaha..

So there it is. Having a mat salleh in the house is a bit fun since my family can finally speak English in the house, usually only me, achik and ibu the one who speak English. There were a lot of knowledge I gain about Belgium and also proud to be Malaysian. :)

"Malaysia Boleh!"

1- Do you know French Fries are not from France? It is called "FRENCH" because, in beligum's language, French mean "cutting" 
2- Do you know, Belgium people eat potato as their main dish, while in Malaysia we eat rice

P.S : You all semua mesti nak tengok muka Sam right? He have blue eyes, tall, pale skin. Haha. but I don' have any of his picture but a part of his arm. Itu pun sebab aku nak ambil gambar abang then ternampak sikit tangan dia. Tadaaaa::

see the blue shirt guy on the left? Yaaa, that was Sam. Hahaha.
But these pictures are from my bro's facebook, i stole them for my readaahhhhssss
Ni dekat rumah nenek,

Ni dekat puncak Gunung Dato' 


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mother Daughter day with Emzetha

Hello assalamualaikum..
"Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

So, why in so sudden I write this post bout mother? hahaha.. Sebab hari ini, today, 7 December 2013, I have the best day spending my leisure time with my beloved mother, IBU. =]

I attended a cupcake class with my ibu today at Bukit Katil, Melaka. Emzetha really gaves us enough information bout cupcakes. The class was so fun and I really do enjoyed it. Well, walaupun keadaan badan tak berapa sihat tadi, huhu. Malu ok, asyik nak muntah aje dekat rumah orang. Sorry kak Rina. hihihi..

So, me and my ibu learned how to baked, prepare icings, fondant, and most important thing about cupcake is decorations!  Sooooooo, let me show you our decorations.... kekekekek 

Participants receive Sijil Penyertaan uolls. ^^
Ada banyak lagi cupcakes yg dah deco, each person get 16 pieces of cupcakes to decorate. But my ibu dia dah pergi cut all the edible image, so we have about 18 pieaces of edible images deco. Hahaha, yg deco guna icings tak dapat banyak sangat. 

The fun part was, masa buat fondant decorations tu, it is sooo cute.. Sampai sekarang, tak sanggup nak makan fondant punya. Lepas ni bolehlah start ambil tempahan kan? Hahaha.. :)

Thanks Emzetha. It was a great fun.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Daiso Japan Shop and SOXWORLD , HAUL!!!

Hello Assalamualaikum.. ape kabau orang melakeee?? hahaha..
Maklumlah, baru balik round-2 separuh Melaka. Negeri kecik jee..

So, today, I just bought few things from AEON Melaka near Tesco Melaka. If you don't know where the outlet is, just carik je GSC (Golden Screen Cinema) on the 2nd floor. depan GSC tu je.

What is it about Daisoo??!!

The prices!! All the items are only RM5. Which is ridiculous for some small items. But, the kawaii looks, the cute looks make meee... aahhh.. NVM that! Just grab it. hahaha.. so here are the items I bought. HAUL!!!!

All the above items cost RM5 each. So, I bought six items and total of all the items are RM 30 ^^
Here are close up items view. Have a look the kawaii-ness and cuteness.. hahaha

I asked ibu to buy this for herself cause she always used mine. haha.

Cute right?! I love neon colours! especially BLUE! Its a glue stick okengg? hehe

This is, as you can see, a mirror~~~ I buy this cause it have cute design on the back and I can easily pakai makeup without tertonjet tonjet kat depan almari solek tu. Hahaha.

Looooooongg handsock, you see that hole? Its for the thumb.. hahahaha

School is near, soooo, pocket tissue will definitely needed!!

Neon colour tote bag. BLUE ^^ I bought this cause I wanna put my telekung for kelas tambahan next year.
*Pray for me :) *
 And so that is from DAISO Japan Shop, then, my ibu said nak pergi cuci mata dalam AEON. So, from we started walk to AEON and then terlalu plak kat depan outlet SOXWORLD! OMG, automatik kaki gua stop and grab ibu's hand! Tak perasan pulak ada SOXWORLD kat AEON ni. Hahaha. You know what they sell? Of course lah stoking. Hahaha. Colourful, nice, cute stokingssss.. hahaha

Lately I’ve been looking for this toe sock.. you know, that have 5 space for our toes down there? It just soooo comel.. hahaha.. My friend, Hajar ada beli a toe sock few days ago. Die beli online via instagram I think. But that socks usually dipakai oleh muslimah yang nak cover their foot while solat and outing cemtuu. And the colour a bit dull. And there is only space for the big toe.

Not that I’m insulting it, I just want colourful socks. Kawaii and cute.. hihi. I too have those muslimah’s socks, just wanna add up my socks collection you knoww.. hahaha

So here is what I bought from soxworld!! Cute right? It cost about RM 13.50

My first toe sock! Weehuuu ^^

Tadaaaa.. hahaha. cute! Okay thats for all.. buhbyeee~