Hello hello semua.
So, dah penat try macam2 product tapi still tak dapat result yg diingini? Or maybe selama ni kita pakai product tu okay je tapi tetiba muka breakout? Well, pernah tak kita terfikir yg selama ni apa yg kita tepek dekat muka tu tak merawat pun masalah kulit muka yg kita hadapi, in fact some jd lebih teruk dari keadaan sebenar.
Yes, jerawat. Apa lg kalau bukan disebabkan clogged pores right? Korang pun mulalah beli segala jenis exfoliator. Physical, chemical semua korang beli. Seminggu korang pun exfoliate la sampai 2 kali. But do you guys ever think that your acne may not be due to clog pores? Or if it does, maybe it become worsen because of cara korang tangani masalah jerawat korang tu salah.
Since anatomy and biology is boring, marilah kita straight to the main function of our integumentary system (the skin); physical barrier.
So, dah penat try macam2 product tapi still tak dapat result yg diingini? Or maybe selama ni kita pakai product tu okay je tapi tetiba muka breakout? Well, pernah tak kita terfikir yg selama ni apa yg kita tepek dekat muka tu tak merawat pun masalah kulit muka yg kita hadapi, in fact some jd lebih teruk dari keadaan sebenar.
Yes, jerawat. Apa lg kalau bukan disebabkan clogged pores right? Korang pun mulalah beli segala jenis exfoliator. Physical, chemical semua korang beli. Seminggu korang pun exfoliate la sampai 2 kali. But do you guys ever think that your acne may not be due to clog pores? Or if it does, maybe it become worsen because of cara korang tangani masalah jerawat korang tu salah.
Since anatomy and biology is boring, marilah kita straight to the main function of our integumentary system (the skin); physical barrier.
Kulit manusia ni, in its own unique way, functions as a form of armor (perisai) antara organ-organ penting kita dari the influence of outside elements that could potentially damage them. Kulit kita ni juga mampu tau hasilkan antimicrobial proteins yang dapat protect kulit kita dari microorganisms (bakteria). Orang-orang yg complexion muka dia smooth dewy semua tu, they all have a very healthy skin barrier. When someone's physical barrier is damage, the skin appears to be red, dry and tight, breakouts, rashes and all sorts of skin conditions appear lah.
By understanding the skin barrier, you will learn how to keep it healthy.
Our skin barrier damages may occur due to several factors. Here I list one that I believe most of you guys are actually doing it right now (like me previously) and aren't aware about it.
Our skin barrier damages may occur due to several factors. Here I list one that I believe most of you guys are actually doing it right now (like me previously) and aren't aware about it.
Excessive anti-acne products
For acne sufferers, korang mesti pernah guna physical exfoliators, chemical exfoliators, alpha/Beta hydroxy acids (AHA/BHA), salicylic acids, retinoids, and other anti-acne products kan? Do you guys know that these products are really harsh to the skin?! Products ni semua berpotensi utk damagekan our skin barrier therefore bila perisai unique kita ni dah rosak, makin mudahlah kulit kita berhadapan dgn bahaya: acne acne acne!
So takkan nak stop guna semua anti-acne products tu kan? Well kalau korang sanggup, it better be that way. Try to stop all your anti-acne regimen and try to fix your physical skin barrier first! How? Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
If you can't stop your anti-acne products, try to reduce and add in more skin-repairing products. This is what I did for my skincare regimen. Try to use a basic simple cleanser followed with simple basic moisturiser and add in a spot treatment serum for your acne after. Please please please ingat that using 1 whole anti-acne set start dari cleanser sampaila ke moisturiser sgtlah tidak elok utk barrier kulit anda.
YOUR SKIN BARRIER IS VERY IMPORTANT. Allah dah ciptakan kita elok2 kulit sebagai perisai. Kita cuma tinggal kena jaga elok2. Protect from sun (wear sunscreen!), drink enough water (cliche but crucial) and most importantly moisturise!!!!
For acne sufferers, korang mesti pernah guna physical exfoliators, chemical exfoliators, alpha/Beta hydroxy acids (AHA/BHA), salicylic acids, retinoids, and other anti-acne products kan? Do you guys know that these products are really harsh to the skin?! Products ni semua berpotensi utk damagekan our skin barrier therefore bila perisai unique kita ni dah rosak, makin mudahlah kulit kita berhadapan dgn bahaya: acne acne acne!
So takkan nak stop guna semua anti-acne products tu kan? Well kalau korang sanggup, it better be that way. Try to stop all your anti-acne regimen and try to fix your physical skin barrier first! How? Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
If you can't stop your anti-acne products, try to reduce and add in more skin-repairing products. This is what I did for my skincare regimen. Try to use a basic simple cleanser followed with simple basic moisturiser and add in a spot treatment serum for your acne after. Please please please ingat that using 1 whole anti-acne set start dari cleanser sampaila ke moisturiser sgtlah tidak elok utk barrier kulit anda.
YOUR SKIN BARRIER IS VERY IMPORTANT. Allah dah ciptakan kita elok2 kulit sebagai perisai. Kita cuma tinggal kena jaga elok2. Protect from sun (wear sunscreen!), drink enough water (cliche but crucial) and most importantly moisturise!!!!
Wuyoo lama dah eh blog ko dri 2011 lg